Weekly News Roundup

The holidays are a great time to disconnect from the world, but they’re also a great time to learn about the world. Is that an oxymoron? Absolutely! So, we did you a favour: while you were re-charging, we were keeping up with the news, the stories, the predictions, and the year-in-review recaps so you didn’t have to. Even better? We’re highlighting the best stories that dropped over the holidays so you can get all caught-up. But first we need to make sure you’re up to speed on the crazy week that was.

Trudeau Announces His Resignation

We’ve covered this story extensively, helping breakdown what exactly is prorogation, how this announcement impacts our country and what Justin Trudeau’s legacy might be, for better or worse. Of course, we’re here to help contextualize the news – to show you how this story relates to your class and your life. We’re not here to give hot takes. Which isn’t to say hot takes aren’t fun, and that hearing different perspectives isn’t important. To that end, here’s a sampling of what some of our nation’s best writers had to say about Trudeau’s decision:

Trudeau’s resignation speech in full

The Context: How Justin Trudeau captured the zeitgeist, and how he lost it


In one of his final acts, Justin Trudeau showed Canadians he’s become what he once fought against

Next: Exit Trudeau. The Liberals give themselves three months to save the furniture.

What will Canada’s second Trudeau era leave behind?

Justin Trudeau resigned too late. There is no salvaging the Liberal Party now

There was a public side to Justin Trudeau we all knew. But there was a side to Canada’s PM few of us saw

The 51st State

Trudeau’s resignation announcement wasn’t the only major story this week. The other one? The musings of US President-elect Trump, who continues to discuss annexing Canada as America’s 51st state. Should we take him seriously? Is he trolling us in pursuit of a better negotiating position? You decide:

The Story:

Trump’s ‘economic force’ threat against Canada sparks concern, disbelief

No longer a joke: Ministers say Trump’s threats to absorb Canada need to be taken seriously


Back off, Donald Trump. Canada’s not for the taking.

The phoney Donald Trump annexation crisis

Where Two Stories Become One

How and when Trudeau is resigning and Trump’s threats to annex Canada are actually deeply interlinked stories. How so? Prorogation, of course. By now you understand what this term means, and why it’s both constitutional and controversial. Here’s a sampling of takes on the prorogation situation, the role of the governor general in this matter, and whether an alternative Canadian government would make a difference:

With the country under attack, Trudeau leaves it to drift – for months

Do Trudeau’s actions prove we need to make the Governor General democratically legitimate?

Would Poilievre be better at protecting Canada from Trump?

March 9th

The Liberal Party of Canada released the rules for their leadership contest and the winner will be announced on March 9th. That’s big news because the winner of the Liberal leadership race will also become Canada’s next prime minister. At least for a few weeks. We will follow this story closely for you, but if you’d like to get a head start, begin here:

Liberal Party of Canada Unveils Criteria for Leadership Race

And Check These Stories Out!

Before we go back in time, here are a few more stories that broke this week that deserve your attention:

Meta eliminates fact-checking in latest bow to Trump

Elon Musk helped Trump win. Now he’s looking at Europe, and many politicians are alarmed

The Holiday Recap:

Yes, this past week was zany, but so too were the holidays. Here’s a sampling of stories you may have missed while you were downing eggnog – stories we think still deserve your attention.

Top Story:

We told you that more people voted in 2024 than at almost any point in human history. The results are in:

2024 was a ‘Year of Elections’ when democracy lost out

And Don’t Skip These Stories:

Class-Specific Stories:

Social Studies:


Careers & Economics:

Writing & Research:

Art & Visual Storytelling

Inquiry Media Updates!

Here’s a selection of stories that touch on what you’ve been learning in class:

And Before You Go:

We thought these stories might make you smile, or make you think…or both!:

Happy reading! Have a great weekend and we’ll speak next week.


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