
Chapter Two

The Context of it All

How do you analyze information? Analyzing information is critical in understanding an issue.

Part One

Lesson Media - The Context of it All

Click 👇 for the story about the importance of understanding context.

Hot Takes

Danijela Puric-Mladenovic

My research and professional work span from urban, peri-urban to rural landscapes and their interfaces. My work focuses on conservation, restoration and long-term strategic...

Art Carson

Art is a forester, he’s worked in sawmills since he was young, and that’s probably why he built his own in his backyard. He’s...

Reflection Activity

  • Option One: Write a self reflection on the lesson media. Did you enjoy it? Agree with it? Not agree? How did it make you feel and think?
  • Option Two: Design a poster for this lesson media to demonstrate what it is about.
  • Option Three: Find three websites or articles that relate to themes within the lesson media. Explain their purpose.

Further Exploration

Part Two

The following activities will help introduce you to the concepts throughout the chapter. Your teacher will direct you to the activities to complete below.

Understanding Your Views

How did your views and upbringing shape who you are today?

The Sorted Library

Welcome to The Sorted Library. What's here? Find out!

What's Your Context?

What question(s) would you ask & want to help answer to help better balance people and nature? Start jotting down your thoughts & ideas. * Mandatory

Defining Your Community

Who are your people? Why do you need them?

How To

Learn how to effectively research in order to find the information that you need and tell a good story with your findings.

External resources from the Sorted Library

What is Context

What is it? Context refers to the circumstances, environment, background, or setting that surrounds and influences a particular situation, event, or communication. It is the...

Additional Resources

Part Three

How does doing good research relate to you?

In order to create systems change, you have to have the support from a diverse group of people. How you learn about an issue comes from the context in which you bring into your questions and how those questions frame your goals. How do you find the context (aka different views) in issues that affect you and your community?

The podcast below will help you start to understand the importance of understanding other peoples values and why it’s important to create systems change. As Executive Director of the Angus Reid Institute, Shachi Kurl can be found offering analysis on CBC’s “At Issue,” Canada’s most-watched political panel, as well as other influential forums.

This podcast is featured across all 5 subjects here on Nature Labs. We’re going to show you throughout this unit how each subject links to one another. You might not like art, or science, or English, or social studies – but hey – they are all related. Let’s find out how.

  • Does polling inform better policy? Does it help create more empathy for those we disagree with?
  • How valuable is it to have unbiased, impartial research to better understand public opinion?
  • Do you believe polling to be unbiased, or can the questions that drive the research be loaded or leading, helping create answers that reinforce certain perspectives?
  • How do we create more movements that unify, rather than divide?
  • Do moments have value? Or are sustained movements the only way to truly move the needle?

Theme Media

Apply what you have learned to YOUR world!


Can we save every species?

Unit completion


Chapter One

The System of Things

Chapter Five

Here’s How

Chapter Nine

Own Your Hypocrisy

Chapter Two

The Context of it All

Chapter Six

Your Turn

Chapter Ten


Chapter Three

We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know

Chapter Seven

Dig Deeper

Chapter Eleven

One Last Thing

Chapter Four

Hard Stuff is Hard

Chapter Eight

Be Better

Chapter Twelve

The End